HR Management & Compliance

Manage Stress for Better Health … and Productivity

Recent research shows stress-induced worker moods affect your productivity as well as their health. Here’s a tool for teaching workers to manage stress, for their good and yours.

If you’ve ever wondered whether the mood your workers are in actually affects the job they do, yesterday’s Daily Advisor pointed toward an answer.

That answer came in a study by university researchers that seemed to show that good moods tend to uplift performance, and bad moods depress it. What’s more, if workers come in with a mood, the researchers say the effect lasts all day.

Where the researchers stopped short was in trying to describe what caused these moods, and what employers could do to build positive vibes and defuse the negative.

We’ll bet, however, that most readers don’t need a university study to know what causes workers to arrive with bad moods. It’s the stress of everyday life, from sky-high taxes to domestic hassles to the actions of that so-and-so who cut you off as you exited the Interstate.

Got stress? Teach your workforce to manage it with BLR’s Managing Stress On & Off the Job PowerPoint. Effective and affordable! Click for information.

Fortunately, there are also answers to handling that stress and, in fact, to make it work positively for you. And there are tools for sharing this knowledge with your workforce.

One of the best we’ve seen is BLR’s PowerPoint and booklet training program, Managing Stress On & Off the Job. Here is some of the information it imparts to workers:

–Stress can be both bad and good. Stress is a natural body reaction to pressure situations that can do both good or harm. The extra energy it provides can enable workers to go the extra mile, lift the extra load, or problem-solve with inspiration. But if not properly managed, the same reaction can cause both physical and psychological damage to the individual, as well as decreased performance for the company. The key is how stress is managed.

–Stress has symptoms. Short-term, they include excess perspiration, upset stomach, and a pounding heartbeat. Long-term, stress can leave high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart disease in its wake.

–Stress can be managed. The methods may seem like common sense, but the results are real. The old saw of “count to 10” actually does work, as does deep breathing, a glass of water, or a quick break from the job. Longer-term, the Rx is the same as for healthy living in general — good food, undisturbed sleep, exercise, a balanced life.

Managing Stress On & Off the Job includes both a PowerPoint presentation and takeaway booklets … all for under $100. Click for details.

That last point, maintaining a balanced life, has its own set of drivers:

One is the ability to separate your business and at-home personas and to put aside the problems of the job when you’re not on it. Another is the willingness to set limits on what you will do to satisfy others. Stress experts say these are skills well worth learning, as health and happiness are the stakes in the game.

BLR’s Managing Stress On & Off the Job teaches them with a set of concise, well-written slides and 20 accompanying full-color booklets (more can be ordered) that give your workers the tools for putting stress to good use and limit its damaging effects, all for a price of under $100.

Order your set by clicking the link below.

Are Employees Bringing Their Problems to Work?
If they are, it’s likely affecting their job performance, as well as their health. Teach them to manage stress both at work and at home with BLR’s Managing Stress On & Off the Job PowerPoint plus booklet program. Helps solve a big problem, at a small price. Read more.


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