HR Strange But True

Love Is in the Air: Coworkers Say ‘I Do’?

Who says that office romances can’t work out? Here are a few examples of past SBT’s where coworkers said ‘I do.’

A 7-11 Wedding—This couple paid tribute to the employer that brought them together by returning for their nuptials. Any guess what time they had the ceremony?

Exchanging Rings Under Golden Arches—This wedding had a tower of McDonald’s apple pies in place of the traditional cake, a menu of typical fast-food items, and Happy Meal toys as wedding favors!

Workplace Romance Produces Employee of the Year—2010’s McDonald’s Crew Person of the Year, Wendy Beaulieu, came by her greatness as an employee honestly—and genetically. Her parents met while working for the hamburger chain—and at the exact same restaurant!

A Workplace Romance That Made History—As it turns out, there are even a few famous couples who met in the workplace, including the Commander and Chief.

Weddings in the Workplace—Finally, here’s a roundup of weddings that were held in workplaces, from Home Depot® to Cold Stone.

Editor’s note: In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we may be overly optimistic about workplace relationships. For a practical approach to how to handle these situations, see BLR’s new Workplace Romances infographic.

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