Tag: Arkansas

Looking for I-9 form

I Spy Missing I-9s — What Should HR Do?

by Steve Jones Q: My company recently conducted an I-9 audit and found that we are missing approximately a dozen I-9 forms. I don’t know if they were accidentally purged, filed incorrectly, or never completed. Can we ask the affected employees to fill out another I-9? If so, do we ask them to backdate it […]

How to Screen Job Applicants and Avoid Liability

Q: I own and operate a business in which physically demanding work is part of the employees’ daily activities. I recently hired several employees who I thought were qualified for the job. However, I quickly learned that they weren’t in good enough health to do what was required of them. This is causing a lot […]

Arkansas: Largest Shift in State Political History

by Don Eilbott, Jack, Nelson, Jones, Jiles & Gregory, P.A. I fully realize that the story of election evening was the Republican victories in the House and Senate nationwide and locally. In fact, looking at color-coded maps of the congressional districts, I see the country is now solid red, with the exception of the small […]

Is Obesity a Disability? Fat Chance!

by Gary Jiles Q: Can an employee be fired for being so obese that he can’t do his job? In other words, is obesity a disability protected by law? Americans with Disablities (ADA) Compliance Manual A: The employee must be qualified to do his job or he faces termination. With a few exceptions, the latest […]

ICE to Inspect 180 Employers in South

By Hector Chichoni On Tuesday, March 2, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that it had sent 180 notices of inspections (NOIs) to employers in Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. At least 30 NOIs have been sent to employers in Tennessee and another 30 or so to employers located in southern and central […]

How Can Employers Avoid Legal Issues When Firing Employees?

by Gary Jiles Q: Everywhere you turn right now, you hear bad news about the economy. As a small-business owner, I’m afraid I’ll have to resort to letting go of several hourly employees. Like other employers, I’ve dealt with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charges from employees, and I have many employees who belong to […]

When Must Employers Pay Mileage Reimbursements?

by Gary Jiles Q: The continuing increase in gas prices has caused me some concern lately because I often have to send my employees on work-related errands or trips. When and how much am I required to reimburse my employees for mileage, or am I even required to reimburse them at all? And do mileage […]