Tag: Ban the box laws

4 Crucial Errors in Your Compliance Approach to Hiring 

When it comes to hiring, compliance isn’t just a legal hoop to jump through; it’s about building a foundation of fairness, equity, and legality in your recruitment process. However, even well-intentioned organizations can stumble into common pitfalls that compromise their compliance efforts. From anti-discrimination laws to wage regulations, the legal landscape governing hiring practices is […]

Compliance With Ban-the-Box Laws (at Both the State and Local Level)

“Ban-the-Box” and “Fair Chance” legislation have seen steady growth throughout the country over the past two decades. The purpose of these laws, which began emerging in the early 2000s, is to reduce barriers to employment for individuals with criminal conviction records. Banning “the box” refers to eliminating questions about criminal history early in an application […]