Tag: David Wudyka

‘60s Mad Man Gives Advice to 2014s Comp Manager?

(Don Draper is the Creative Director for Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce on the Emmy-winning television series Mad Men. He is a confident, stylish, hard-drinking, chain-smoking 1960s advertising executive.) Nunez, owner of Nunez Leadership Consulting (changedoc10@yahoo.com), offered his Draper-based tips at the SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition held recently in Orlando. [Go here for Draperisms 1 […]

Where to Get Pay Survey Data

Pay surveys are an important tool for developing and maintaining pay plans that fairly reward employees without breaking the bank. But where should the information come from? Should it be gathered by someone in-house? Or paid for from a consultant? What are the options?

Where to Get Pay Survey Data

Pay surveys are an important tool for developing and maintaining pay plans that fairly reward employees without breaking the bank. But where should the information come from? Should it be gathered by someone in-house? Or paid for from a consultant? What are the options?

Should Incentive Plans Be a Component of Your Compensation Program?

In a BLR webinar titled “Smart Compensation Strategies for Small Employers: How to Maximize Your Budget and Reduce Legal Risks,” David J. Wudyka outlined some tips on implementing effective incentive plans. Why Implement an Incentive Plan? Incentive plans can be an effective part of a company’s compensation strategy. However, it is important to analyze whether […]

Executive Compensation 101: Key Terminology

This will help you understand the key elements that every good executive compensation program includes, and ensure you’re knowledgeable about the broad strategies and concepts involved with designing (or re-designing) and administering a successful executive compensation program. In a BLR webinar titled “Executive Compensation: How to Design an Attractive and Cost-Effective Plan for Your Organization,” […]

Implementing Pay Grades and Ranges: Common Pay Structure Issues

You also may find yourself facing employees who don’t fit into the standard pay grades for one reason or another or who have maxed out at their existing pay grade. You may even have an employee who is pointing to online salary information and claiming she’s not getting paid enough, which is a position HR […]

7 Must Read Comp Articles

The Top 5 Compensation Habits to Kick Most comp managers have a few bad habits, but they’re hard to break, say experts Stacey Lunches and Breaks—’Little’ Violations, But Fines Add Up Quickly In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered two of the most common wage/hour violations; today, more violations. Pay Never Goes Down? Another Bad Habit In […]