Tag: employees

Ontario Adds Holiday to Celebrate Families; Other Provinces May Follow

by Daniel Pugen McCarthy Tetrault Following its recent re-election in October, the Ontario provincial government led by Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty established a new public holiday called “Family Day.” The holiday falls on the third Monday in February each year. Ontario joins the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan in creating a public holiday in February. […]

Must-Know Facts about Employment Contracts in Canada

McCarthy Tetrault Q. When does an employer have an employment contract with its employees? A. Every employer in Canada has an employment contract, whether written or unwritten, with each of its nonunion employees. Sometimes, only some of the terms are in writing. When necessary, courts will imply reasonable terms in the absence of any express […]


Litigation Value: $150.00 (for the birthday cakes) As they always say, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. Nowhere is this more true than at office parties, birthday or otherwise. Lucky for Dunder Mifflin, the biggest party-related issue in last night’s episode was birthday cake. But sometimes employers just aren’t that […]

The Truth About Managing People

Employment law attorney Michael P. Maslanka reviews the book The Truth About Managing People by Stephen E. Robbins. Review highlights book’s truths about managing employees in the workplace. Talk about debunking workplace myths. In a series of 53 short chapters (the longest clocks in at three pages), Robbins challenges quite a few in Truth About […]

Blogs and Why You Should Care

McCarthy Tetrault A “blog,” short for web log, is akin to an online diary or an electronic discussion board that often includes a mix of commentary and opinions from visitors to the website. More and more employers are dealing with employees who may be blogging about their work. Here are some questions you should consider. […]

Branch Wars

LITIGATION VALUE: $400,000 (that classified ad just isn’t going to look good to a jury) While I didn’t expect it to come from the Utica branch, it looks like the “the war for talent” that so many commentators have been writing about has finally hit Dunder Mifflin. Unfortunately for Michael Scott, the war simply can’t […]

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t

M. Lee Smith President Dan Oswald reviews the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. Review highlight’s books theories on leadership, people (employees), discipline, and technology in business. Of all the business books I’ve read throughout my career, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t has had the greatest influence […]

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Litigation Value: $1,500.00 (or a few hours of their attorney’s time to prepare an internet usage policy) It’s nice to be back! Thanks again to my guest blogger, Troy Foster, for pitching in while I had to work. Did anyone else notice how many Dunder Mifflin employees were using their computers for anything but work? […]

Moonlighting: Who’s Left to Push the Paper?

Loss in productivity: $70,000 – $100,000/year Discount off of Dietco Supplement: $20/month Two-night stay at Schrute Farms: Priceless Once again, Julie is working extra hard this week for one of our clients and has asked me to fill in for her here on the blog. I’m Troy Foster a fellow labor and employment attorney with […]

Handling Work Refusals

McCarthy Tetrault Your employees in Canada have the right to refuse tasks that may endanger them or others. Health and safety laws spell out not only your obligations but also what your employees must do when refusing work, so it’s important for you to understand how to handle such situations. Here are some tips to […]