Tag: HR technology

Is There Management Potential for AI?

The traditional image of a manager is being reimagined in the digital era as artificial intelligence (AI) begins to carve out its role not just as a tool but also as a team member. A recent pilot study conducted by Inspira AI in collaboration with academic experts sheds light on an intriguing development: AI’s success […]

3 Hacks for Virtual Team Collaboration

Virtual teams have always been a reality in the business world, but the COVID-19 pandemic kicked them into high gear. More and more employees became permanently remote, which meant fewer watercooler conversations or opportunities for coworkers to bond. To be fair, it also meant a workforce that had more freedom over their lives with flexible […]

Leadership In the AI Age: How to Manage When Your Organization Has More Machines Than People

It’s here. The once science fiction scenario where the world is filled with more machines than people is now a pressing reality. Like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered the workplace–and on a global scale. It’s a pivotal moment for business leaders, and with huge implications. And while this reality may seem daunting […]

How the CHRO Can Lead the Change to Becoming a Dynamic Organization

After the global pandemic and the disruption it caused, CEOs could be forgiven for wanting a period of stability. Instead, they’ve had to concentrate on protecting their businesses from the ongoing impacts of war, supply chain disruption, political and economic turbulence, persistent inflation, and ongoing labor shortages. That’s not the end, either—a combination of demographics, […]

HR Query: How to Manage PTO Effectively in 2024

According to a recent Forbes Advisor study, 40% of Americans plan to travel more in 2024, which means employees may request more time off from work than usual. This is a concern for many workplaces as time off requests and management can put a strain on an entire company. In this week’s HR Query, Tiffany […]

The Evolving Role of AI in Benefits Administration

The world of work is changing fast, with people working from home, in the office, or a mix of both. This keeps HR teams on their toes, especially when it comes to benefits. That’s where AI, widely known as Artificial Intelligence, comes in – like a super-powered assistant to help HR manage everything smoothly. AI […]

5 Workforce and Career Trends for 2024

As technology, demographics and cultural movements evolve, so do careers and workplaces. Today, the United States is undergoing a significant transformation in both the nature of work and how people engage in it, largely propelled by remote work and the rapid advancements in AI and digitalization following the pandemic. While the full extent of these […]

The Great Greenification: Integrating Sustainability into HR Practices

Sustainability has evolved from a box to check to a competitive advantage for savvy companies. HR now has the opportunity to spearhead an eco-conscious cultural shift that future-proofs its workforce and boosts recruitment, retention, and reputation. By championing green initiatives such as renewable energy, paperless systems, sustainability education, and flexible remote work policies, forward-thinking HR […]

The Pitfalls of AI Applicant Screening Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for streamlining the hiring process. By automating the screening of large volumes of job applications, AI promises unparalleled efficiencies, enabling recruiters to swiftly identify top candidates. However, this technological advancement isn’t without its pitfalls. As we integrate AI deeper into the recruitment process, the specter of […]

5 Critical Skills HR Leaders Must Hire and Train for in an AI-Dominated Workplace

There is no question that virtually every job will eventually be affected by AI. Forrester predicts that approximately 8% of US knowledge workers will leverage Gen AI as Microsoft begins rapid roll-out of Microsoft 365 Copilot. In some ases, AI will simply be complementary to the job as AI helps reshape workflows, assists with task […]