Tag: HR
‘Overtilting’ May Lead Workers To Feel Underpaid
Short Takes: HR Recordkeeping
How long should I keep HR records?
Employment Law Tip: Keeping the Focus During the Holidays
According to the results of a new poll by Accountemps, most employees get distracted and are less productive during the holiday season. The poll included responses from HR, finance, and marketing executives at the country’s 1,000 largest companies. Forty-four percent of executives polled said their employees are less productive the week before a major holiday, […]
Short Takes: Harassment Training for Temps
I have a question about sexual harassment training. We have 35 full-time regular employees and usually about 40 or 50 temporaries. The temps work for months at a time, but we release them during slow periods. I think the law says you have to provide harassment training if you have 50 or more employees. Do we […]
Holiday Parties Are All the Rage in 2005
According to a new survey by HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates, almost three-quarters (74 percent) of employers are planning to host a party for employees this holiday season. Twenty-seven percent of these employers plan to spend $5,000 or less on their parties, 30 percent will pay between $5,000 and $20,000, and 15 percent will spend […]
Employment Law Tip: 3 Ways to Avoid FMLA Retaliation Claims
The requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be tedious to wade through sometimes, but familiarity with them can save you a lot of money and trouble later on. Here are three tips for staying clear of FMLA retaliation claims:
Employment Law Tip: Turning Leave Time into Help for Hurricane Victims
If you and your employees are looking for valuable ways to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, a new program launched by the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service may help you out. In particular, the agencies have announced a program for employees to donate leave in exchange for employer cash […]
DOL Launches Web Filing for Military Vets’ Complaints
The U.S. Department of Labor has announced that National Guard and reserve service members can now file military leave complaints–under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)–using a new electronic filing service. This new service is the latest in a series of compliance tools developed by the DOL to help educate employers and employees […]
News Notes: Public Employers Have Flexibility In Granting Comp-Time-Off Requests
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal has ruled that the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) permits government employers a reasonable time of up to one year to grant an employee’s request to use accrued compensatory time off. The court held that the FLSA grants government agencies flexibility in scheduling compensatory time off and […]