Tag: managers

Lack of Engagement Means Missed Opportunities for Employers

If multiple studies and surveys are to be believed, employers are suffering an engagement problem—and there’s no end in sight. Concerns existed even before the pandemic brought upheaval to the workforce by making working from home the norm. That fundamental change didn’t go away when COVID eased, as whether to make everyone return to the […]

Managers Stress (and Quit) Over Managing Gen Z

Is Gen Z so difficult to manage that their bosses are getting overly stressed and even quitting? That’s the suggestion from a new survey of 1,000 U.S. managers who oversee Gen Z employees, conducted by Intelligent.com. Every new generation that comes into the workforce has its unique perspectives, working styles, advantages and challenges. Much is […]

Shifting from Manager to Leader

The best leaders know when to manage and when to lead, shifting seamlessly depending on the present demands. They read the situation and behave in a way that is most impactful for both the team and the organization. This adaptability stems from the recognition that there are suitable contexts for both management and leadership, making […]

The Ever-Increasing Importance of Good Managers

Anyone watching old sitcoms from the mid- to late 20th century will likely see a stereotypical boss: authoritarian, demanding, and insensitive. The relationship between subordinate and manager was clear and one-sided: The subordinate was there to do the manager’s bidding and support the manager in whatever the manager needs.

The Factors Contributing to Millennial Manager Burnout

For many, landing that first management-level position is a significant career milestone and something countless millennials have experienced in recent years as they continue to gain experience and seniority within the workforce. But these middle-management positions aren’t always the dream jobs they seem to be, and many millennial managers are starting to feel burned out.

Developing Employees Through Practical Delegation

Look at the calendars of most managers and executives, and you’ll see they’re packed with meetings. Subordinates struggle to gain a little face time or get help with a tricky issue, and colleagues struggle to find time for collaboration. Their best chance is often scheduling a meeting several days or even weeks out, and even […]

Possibilities … Endless Possibilities

Yes, I know I went with a Marvel theme in my last column. But I’m the author, and that carries at least some privileges, so I’m going back to Marvel. Marvel does make it easy, as they’ve been pumping out so much content lately. Their latest offering is What If…? an animated series that ponders how […]


A Focus on Trust

Employees are beginning to return to the workplace but not without a certain amount of angst. The past several months have given employees a taste of the freedom, flexibility, and convenience working from home offers. While some are happy for the opportunity to “return to normal,” many are reluctant—even resistant—to returning to the physical workplace.


How to Give Good Feedback on Goals

Do your employees make quarterly or yearly goals? If so, you probably have a system in place whereby you or another employee meets with them to go over their goals. However, these meetings are probably pretty quick—after all, how can you really tell people the goals they set for themselves aren’t a good idea? It’s […]