Tag: Topic Compensation Administration

Special from Chicago—SHRM Annual Conference and Exhibition – ‘Hey, That Violates My Free Speech Rights!’ (Sorry.)

For companies in the private sector, the employer determines whether there is an expectation of privacy, says Attorney Jonathan Segal, and unwary employers may create the right to privacy if they are not careful. (Government employees generally have a constitutional right to a higher level of privacy than those in the private sector.) Employers can […]

ADA Accommodation Is Tricky, But Litigation Is Trickier

Postol, who is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Seyfarth Shaw, LLP, offered his ADA tips at SHRM’s Employment Law and Legislative Conference, held recently in Washington, D.C. What Defenses Are Left Employers still have some cards to play in the ADA game. Postol suggest employers take note of the following: 1. Employer […]

Hard to Get Started with Job Descriptions? Use Our Questionnaire

Here’s a basic questionnaire (We got it from the SmartJobs CD.) that you can use to begin the job description process (or to review existing job descriptions): Job Description Questionnaire Instructions: Distribute copies of this questionnaire to supervisors, human resources staff members, job analysts, and others who may be involved in writing job descriptions. Ask […]

How You Know Your Job Descriptions Are No Good

The most typical problems have to do with job specifications that are inaccurate. They either require something that isn’t truly required, or they describe duties that are no longer relevant. Job Specs Unreasonably High A number of state and federal government agencies (particularly the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)) have concluded in a number of […]

HR Apps Available Now Plus Checklist for New Technology

Seals, a senior partner with Mercer Atlanta, offered her tips at WorldatWork’s annual convention and exhibition, held recently in Philadelphia. Examples of New Technology Available Now Seals offers the following examples of new technology that are available now to help you do your job: Globoforce.com Social recognition tools to nominate, approve, congratulate, and redeem awards […]

Does the ADA Require Job Descriptions? No, But …

If you do have job descriptions, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has said that it will review or consider them, as well as other relevant information, when determining essential functions. Therefore, it is important to keep job descriptions current. Claiming later that some function not listed on the description is a task essential to […]

First Rule of SM Sourcing? Don’t Be Creepy!

People you contact are going to want to know: How did you find me? How did you know that I can …? Maintain transparency, says Dingee. Explain how you found them. You’re not hacking, you’re searching the Internet for publicly available information. Dingee’s tips came at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. (Info […]

Expert’s Secrets of Social Media Candidate Sourcing

Just for example, says Dingee, do an advanced search on LinkedIn, say, for an HR manager near ZIP 06475 in banking. Here’s the search: Dingee’s tips came at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. (Info on this years’ symposium here. ) Here are some of the results: Dingee recommends paying for enhanced service […]

Is Sloth the Worst Compensation Sin?

[Go here for sins 1 to 4 and a bonus sin] Sin 5. Envy Envy makes managers do things that aren’t appropriate for the company. For example: Empire building. Trying to add more positions that aren’t important for the company to achieve its goals. Copycatting. The other department head has a French-speaking assistant; I want […]