Tag: Topic Executive

Even Half Implemented, Say on Pay and Dodd-Frank Continue to Confuse

The Dodd Frank Act (Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act) was signed in 2010 as a culmination of efforts to regulate and limit Wall Street as result of the mortgage fallout, says Lifshey, Managing Director at the New York Office of Pearl Meyer & Partners. Lifshey’s tips came at a recent webinar […]

Executive Compensation—The “Third Payroll”

There are different types of incentives for executives, and taxation becomes increasingly important in compensation planning, says Wudyka, who is managing principal of Westminster Associates in Wrentham, MA. His tips came at a recent BLR/HRhero-sponsored webinar. Motivating Executives Is a Challenge Motivating executives is a challenge, says Wudyka, because their level of base compensation is […]