Tag: Training

3 Formulas for Better Training

To train better and to get more funding for training, do it “by the numbers.” These days, business is increasingly ruled by numbers. But there are some things that can’t be quantified, right? Like how the human mind can be affected by training. Not so, says training industry leader Bob Pike, speaking to a meeting […]

A Gem of a Program to Train Supervisors on HR!

Daily Advisor discovers a “hidden treasure” in the BLR vaults to make key HR issues understandable to supervisors and non-HR managers Occasionally a Daily Advisor article on a specific topic will spark a more general question from our readers. That happened recently as a result of the piece we did on entry-level hiring and retention. […]

Unlock Training Potential with These ‘Four Keys to Learning’

Four well-tested educational strategies can help you train quickly and effectively on almost any topic. Your boss calls you in and tells you “There’s a lot of news lately about age discrimination in business. I don’t want us caught up in it. Can you do some training for our managers on the basics of discrimination?” […]

7 Essentials for Training

A training expert supplies pointers to enhance your content by improving your delivery. OK, you’ve got great content for your training session, but how is your delivery? Bob Pike, a motivational speaker in the training industry, wants to know. And he also wants to tell you how to improve it. Pike made these points speaking […]

Travel Requirements: Do We Have to Reimburse Pre-Hire Travel and Training?

We’ve got some questions about reimbursement for pre-hire travel expenses. For example, do we have to reimburse expenses for:   Coming in for an interview from out of town? Going to a facility for a psychological test? Going for a drug test? Going for a physical? Coming in for training or briefings before coming on […]

Sex Harassment: FEHC Revises Draft Training Regulations

The California Fair Employment and Housing Commission (FEHC) has revised the proposed regulations to implement A.B. 1825, the law requiring employers with 50 or more employees to provide supervisors with sexual harassment training every two years. The FEHC is accepting comments on the new proposal until July 20, 2006.

Before you do job training, check out the need

Job training can improve your organization, but only if you use it in situations that complement your business plan When an organization isn’t reaching potential, the snap answer is often “do some job training.” Indeed, there are many powerful job training programs now available in a variety of formats. The power of video and computer-based […]

Employer Survey: Cell Phone Use Widespread, But Few Employers Have Policy

We recently polled our CEA subscribers to determine how employers are managing employee cell phone use issues. Employers who responded had staff sizes ranging from five to more than 5,000. Cell Phone Use While Driving More than 96% of employers who responded said that some or all of their employees use cell phones to conduct […]