
HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: Why Is AI Not a Check-The-Box Strategy for the Future of Talent Acquisition?

The majority of workers believe that AI will have a major impact on jobholders within the next 20 years. In fact, AI is already being used in hiring strategy to identify qualified candidates, schedule interviews, and reduce time-to-fill. Jacob Pruis, Director of Compliance at Bcforward, shares why AI adoption is essential for the success of […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: What Makes an Ideal HR Leader?

In an uncertain economy and a world still feeling the effects of COVID-19, HR leaders are constantly adapting to change. That said, 44% of HR leaders feel increased pressure to showcase the value of their work.  Sarah Devereaux; Partner, Coach, and Facilitator at White Pine Leadership Collective; weighs in on what it takes to be an exemplary […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: What Does an Inclusive Fertility Benefits Package Look Like?

For many employees, fertility benefits are no longer a nice-to-have—they’re a must-have benefit. To stay ahead in efforts to attract and retain talent, companies must offer inclusive support and options. So what does an inclusive fertility benefits package look like? Tara Travieso, Consultant Relations Executive at Carrot Fertility, answers this question. For more in-depth benefits and […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: What Ethical Considerations Should HR Professionals Keep in Mind for AI Hiring Practices?

Gartner expects that by 2027, the productivity value of AI will be recognized as a primary economic indicator of national power, largely due to widespread gains in workforce productivity. In the HR space, leaders have adopted AI tools to streamline the recruiting process. Michael Watson, Director of Global Customer Evangelism at Eightfold AI, shares ethical […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: What Is a Challenge That Organizations Face in Establishing Pay Equity?

Pay equity is the concept of compensating employees who have similar job functions with comparably equal pay, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity or other status. While equal pay is morally and socially responsible, there are still countless challenges in making the practice a reality. Sarah Deveraux, Leadership Coach and Advisor at Third Coast Coaching […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: How Has the Importance of Soft Skills Evolved in Today’s Workforce, and Why Are They So Crucial?

SHRM defines “soft skills” as behaviors, personality traits and work habits, such as collaboration, critical thinking, perseverance and communication, that help people prosper at work. In today’s workforce, soft skills are essential. According to LinkedIn, 89% of recruiters cite a lack of soft skills as a key reason as to why a new hire doesn’t […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: How Does Wellbeing Play a Role in Employee Development?

Over 4 in every 5 workers report that workplace stress affects their mental health, and 73% report that this stress affects their relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. When wellbeing has such an impact on daily interactions, it’s not a stretch to say that it plays a role in learning and development efforts. Kara Hardin, […]

HRDA shorts

HRDA Shorts: How Does Microlearning, Upskilling, and Reskilling Play a Role in Employee Retention and Career Development?

In preparation for HRDA’s HR Upskilling & Employee Learning Week, from February 26 to March 1, this week’s HRDA Shorts episode explores how microlearning, upskilling, and reskilling opportunities affect retention efforts. Trish Holliday, Ph.D., Vice President of HR and Corporate Services at Nashville Electric Service, weighs in on the importance of career development and growth […]