HR Management & Compliance

California Is #1 for Telecommuting

After analyzing the job posting activity of over 40,000 companies in its database, FlexJobs has identified the top 10 states where companies recruited the most state-based telecommuters in 2015. For the second year in a row, California, Texas, and New York lead the states with the highest number of telecommuting job postings.

“While telecommuting can technically be done from anywhere with reliable internet access, many people are surprised to learn that the vast majority of telecommuting jobs do have some type of geography requirement such as city, state, region, or country,” said Sara Sutton Fell, founder and CEO of FlexJobs. “There are different reasons why an employer might require telecommuters to be in a particular location; they range from personal preference (for example, they might not feel comfortable managing telecommuters from afar), to more strategic (it can be advantageous to have people in different time zones), to more logistical (state tax considerations). Whatever their reason, jobseekers should realize that these telecommuting jobs are available in their local areas.”

Read on for the full top ten list.

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