
Saving Your Sanity When You Need to Stay at a Job You Dislike

Yesterday, we discussed knowing the signs for leaving a job. But what if reality—your family’s needs, the employment market, or other factors—don’t make saying “au revoir” possible? How do you stick with a job you don’t like?

Find small wins. If there are certain assignments you like more than others, ask for them. Do these first, and become good at them. Stay positive about your wins, even if they’re small. A good attitude does get noticed.

Make friends. Friends make even bad jobs tolerable. Complement and recognize one another on a daily basis. Plan get-togethers outside of work. Share a laugh, but not at the expense of others in the office. Make friends, not fellow conspirators.

Get help. If you feel overwhelmed, seek help from a professional. Your company may have such confidential services available in the form of employee assistance programs.

Build a life. Do your work, but focus your energy outside of work on family, friends, volunteer efforts, or hobbies. You truly are more than just your job.

Have a plan. Learn from the Millennials, and recognize that no job should be forever. Have an exit plan with a real, attainable goal at the end of it. This will keep you motivated and hopeful.

Unfortunately, Americans tend to let their jobs define them. Buck the trend. You have an identity that goes well beyond your pay check or pay grade. Now go out and find some joy in 2017.

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