
Make This the Year You Create Engaging Job Ads

Question: What does it take to pique a job seeker’s interest? Answer: A boring, static job ad … not!

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Isn’t it time you upped your game?

Current Environment

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are more than 6 million job openings nationwide. Job site Indeed has nearly 3 million ads for U.S. jobs.
At the same time, job seekers have become more informed, and more selective. They know how to research potential employers, using online ranking sites to evaluate criteria like workplace culture.
They also know they have the upper hand in the employment relationship. There’s no denying that as employers go begging amid historically low unemployment, job seekers are sitting in the catbird seat.

Get Their Attention

While you can’t change this dynamic, or the economy, you can adjust your approach to employment advertising. For starters, consider that your job ads are just that: advertisements.
The approach to advertising is different from information sharing. In an interview with Recruiting Daily Advisor, Rob Kelly, CEO of Ongig, a provider of visual job advertising, said, “Marketing 101 is ‘get their attention first.’”
How do you do this?

What They Want to Know

Speak directly to your audience, which includes explaining what’s in it for them. For example, what does the job offer in terms of professional growth? Are there opportunities to utilize certain skills or develop new ones? Is there advancement potential?
Rather than sharing blocks of text, let images do some of the talking. Using professional growth as an example, include a link to your careers site where you feature an infographic that details career paths or an interactive tool that does the same.
In addition, allow employees to share their career journeys. First-hand experiences are highly engaging and make your company more relatable. Video is ideal for this kind of sharing. Photos of employees with their testimonials are another option. Include this content at your careers site and link to it from your job ad.
Consider using statistics as well, especially if you have some impressive stats to share. Using professional growth again as an example: Our CEO began as a management trainee, as did seven of our 10 senior executives.

What You Want Them to Know

At the same time, don’t overlook telling other compelling, relevant aspects of your story.
Determine what you absolutely, positively want job seekers to know. What makes your company special? Why do people enjoy working there?
Elena Valentine, CEO of Skill Scout, a company that helps employers tell the stories candidates care about with employee-generated recruitment videos, advocates for storytelling. “Our brains are wired for stories,” she says.
And when it comes to talent acquisition, storytelling can be powerful. “In the case of recruitment, telling stories gives job seekers this authentic and compelling window into the role and company,” says Valentine.

Think Different

Remember to think outside the box, literally, when it comes to your job ad. With online advertising, you are not confined to the ad itself. Think of your careers site, social media, and your YouTube channel as extensions of your ad.
Finally, consider taking an entirely new approach to employment advertising. Experiment with video job ads, for example, or reposition your employer brand.
You need not go it alone. Experts are available to provide assistance.
What about the expense? If you compare the investment to the cost of ineffective job ads and/or bad hires, you may end up saving in the long run, while getting the talent you seek.

Paula Paula Santonocito, Contributing Editor for Recruiting Daily Advisor, is a business journalist specializing in employment issues. She is the author of more than 1,000 articles on a wide range of human resource and career topics, with an emphasis on recruiting and hiring. Her articles have been featured in many global and domestic publications and information outlets, referenced in academic and legal publications as well as books, and translated into several languages.

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