HR Management & Compliance, Learning & Development

How Mentorship Programs Can Benefit Shift Workers

According to research emphasized in The Atlantic, evidence suggests that mentorship programs strengthen recruiting initiatives, boost employee engagement, help train future leaders of a company, increase diversity, and raise rates of employee loyalty and retention. However, mentorship programs are often designed specifically for salaried workers who work routine 9–5 shifts, and leave shift workers out.
If you haven’t considered a mentorship program for your shift workers yet, think about the following benefits:

Decreases Feelings of Isolation

A lot of times, shift workers work alone late at night, very early in the morning, or with different staff members on different days each week during their variable shifts. This can lead to feelings of isolation. When you pair them with a mentor, however, they have someone with whom they can talk and ask questions. They’ll have someone to consult if they’re interested in taking on more job duties, if they’re interested in a promotion, or when certain policies and procedures change across the company.

Empowers Employees to Set Goals and Boosts Employee Morale

Shift workers may sometimes think they’re just going in to punch a clock and nothing more than that. But if they have a mentor to help them set goals and milestones on a regular basis, they’ll be more engaged in their day-to-day activities because they can put each task they’re doing into context with a larger purpose or agenda. Once they see a larger purpose behind their daily tasks, their engagement levels will increase.

Increases Motivation to Learn More About the Company and Get Invested

Mentorship programs inspire workers to want to be leaders and put their best foot forward every day. With a mentor to help them along their career path, shift workers will get more interested in learning about their company and how they can make a difference. They’ll continue to be motivated to seek out opportunities and ways they can get invested and do more.

Lowers Attrition Rates of New Employees

When employees are encouraged to set goals, become leaders, and are more engaged on a day-to-day basis, they’re much less likely to leave your company. Mentorship programs are a great way to develop your employees while also proving your commitment to their future with your company. If shift workers see advancement opportunities with your company and know you’re invested in seeing them succeed, they’ll stick around longer.

Scheduling Can Be a Challenge

With shift workers, any kind of mentoring or training program can be a challenge to schedule. Regular meetings or communication have to be part of the initial planning for mentoring and all must agree on the parameters established.
Ultimately, even though shift workers have different schedules than other employees, they can still greatly benefit from mentorship programs and opportunities.

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