Benefits and Compensation, HR Management & Compliance

4 Stats About Workplace Wellness You Need to Know

Overall, strategic and well-executed workplace wellness programs offer benefits for employers and employees. According to research, 78% of employees believe their company’s wellness program had a positive impact on workers’ health, and 75% believe such programs had a positive impact on their productivity and performance. So, as you work to improve your workplace wellness programs this year, here are four stats you’ll want to know.wellness

1. 44% of Employees Report Feelings of Burnout at Work

In an age of constant automation, workers (including those who aren’t Millennials) are feeling burned out because they are bored, are working longer hours, are not taking vacation time or personal time, and don’t have meaningful career paths. So, starting in 2019, it is imperative that every workplace address and mitigate employee burnout, especially with the Millennial generation (which currently makes up the largest portion of the workforce).
For more insight, read “Why Millennial Employees Are Burned Out.”

2. 63% of Workers with Access to Financial Wellness Resources Use Them, and 53% Who Do Not Have access to a Financial Wellness Plan Think Their Employer Should Offer One

All employers should offer some sort of financial wellness program in 2019, in addition to offering financial wellness benefits and those revolving around retirement savings, as 42% of employees say it’s likely they’ll need to use money in a retirement account for expenses other than retirement.
For more details and insight, read “Understanding the Importance of Financial Wellness and Training in the Workplace and “How to Develop and Implement a Successful Financial Wellness Program.”

3. 50% of Employers with Over 5,000 Employees Have On-Site or Near-Site Clinics

On-site or near-site clinics help employers control their healthcare costs and offer a variety of low-cost benefits to their employees. They also allow employers to personalize their offerings for each employee so each can receive individualized healthcare or wellness benefits, in addition to allowing employers to expand their healthcare and wellness offerings, such as with meditation seminars and on-site gym facilities. Moving forward, smaller organizations may be investing in such clinics, too, along with the larger corporations.

4. The Top 2 Chronic Health Conditions Driving Health-Related Costs for Employers Are Depression and Obesity

Because more employees are becoming burned out and stressed (see information detailed above) and are missing work because of stress and fatigue each year, employers must address mental health wellness in the workplace. In addition, employers should endorse benefits and programs that help prevent or reduce rates of obesity, as they spend a lot of money each year on costs associated with this health-related issue.
Be sure to keep the four stats highlighted above in mind as you work to improve and update your workplace wellness programs this year, and read “6 Things HR Must Consider for Comprehensive Employee Wellness Programs for more information and insight.

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