Recruiting, Technology

5 Ways to Use AI for Recruiting

Believe it or not, with the ever-increasing need for human intelligence in human capital management in the modern-day workforce, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more necessary for HR departments and recruiters.


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Here are five ways you should be using AI for recruiting in 2019 and beyond.

1. Candidate Sourcing

Recruiters can use AI to source candidates more efficiently. AI-based systems can scan the Internet and application systems for recruiters and look for keywords and experiences in résumés, profiles, etc. AI can help recruiters find the candidates who are highly qualified for their open positions much faster than scanning online databases themselves.

2. Prospective Employee Screening

AI-based systems can screen a high quantity of application materials and weed out candidates who don’t have the right skills for the roles to which they are applying, as well as those applicants who might not be a good fit for your organization’s culture.

When each applicant gets to the interview stage, recruiters can be confident that the individuals they’re interviewing are a good cultural fit, as well as qualified for the role, because they were thoroughly screened.

3. Interviews

AI-based systems can also automatically request video-based, recorded interviews from candidates who make it past your organization’s screening requirements and stages. All candidates will have to do is answer preset questions via recorded video and submit those recordings to recruiters to review them. Doing this will speed up the interview process significantly.

4. Support and Relationship Building

Recruiters can also rely on AI-powered chatbots to answer common questions in real time that applicants have, providing applicants with the real-time support they need as they’re going through the application process.

AI-powered chatbots also permit recruiters to field routine and common questions long before applicants come in for an in-person interview, which allows them to spend more time on building relationships with applicants in person as opposed to answering routine and logistical questions.

5. Internal Decision-Making

AI systems can rate applicants based on their application materials and interviews. And then, recruiters, hiring managers, and other important team members can review this information and data while considering multiple candidates at once to see who the best fit for their organization will be.

Essentially, AI-powered systems can help recruiters make hiring decisions easier for all parties involved in the hiring process. If you want your recruiting process to be more efficient and rewarding, consider using AI in the five different ways outlined above.

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