During HR Daily Advisor’s FREE upcoming webinar, learn about compliance in the recruiting space. On Monday, February 3, industry experts will discuss best practices to ensure compliance, up and coming challenges in hiring, recent laws and regulations, and more!
Can’t make it to the live event? No worries! All registrants also receive a link to an on-demand recording.
3 Crucial Errors In Your Compliance Approach to Hiring
Monday, February 3, 2025; 2:00 PM
Speakers: Keisha Nakwa, Director of Talent and Culture at KeyBridge Compliance; Katie Gulotta, Director of HR Compliance at US LBM; and Randy Lytes Jr., Assistant Director of Equity and Compliance at Michigan State University
Hiring is a complicated process. Amidst countless challenges, HR teams must balance effective recruiting practices with regulatory compliance. Leaders must leverage technology, conduct regular audits, and align hiring strategies with company values to both ensure compliance and secure quality candidates. Tune in for a panel discussion where our experts will share practical insights to tackle recruiting challenges and strengthen compliance frameworks in their organizations.
Register now for this engaging panel discussion!