
Can I Fire an Employee for Being Loud?

Q We run a fine-dining restaurant in which the ambient atmosphere is an integral part of our business. We host many business lunches and other professional-type meetings because of the quiet and relaxed environment. That environment has changed a little bit lately as the result of our new hostess, Kimberly. Kimberly is quite the talker. […]

Correctly Classifying a Worker as an Independent Contractor

by Tracey A. Cullen It’s no news flash that companies must proceed with caution when classifying someone who provides them with services as an independent contractor. Independent contractors are paid flat fees without tax deductions or employment taxes. Employees are paid salaries subject to withholding, FICA, FUTA, and other employment taxes and are protected under […]

Can I Fire an Employee for Being Loud?

Q We run a fine-dining restaurant in which the ambient atmosphere is an integral part of our business. We host many business lunches and other professional-type meetings because of the quiet and relaxed environment. That environment has changed a little bit lately as the result of our new hostess, Kimberly. Kimberly is quite the talker. […]

Our Readers Talk Back: ‘No Jerks’ Proposal Brings Out ‘C.A.V.E. People’ and ‘Loyal Oppositionists’

By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady Bob Brady’s recent column on whether to have a “No jerks!” rule banning antagonistic empoyees brought intriguing responses. One reader expects “a little jerkiness” in everyone, and another invokes the “C.A.V.E.” rule. Here’s a sampling: “C.A.V.E. People and Loyal Oppositionists” “We’ve coined the phrase ‘C.A.V.E. people’ [standing for] […]

More Easy-to-Make, But Hard-to-Defend Supervisor HR Mistakes

In yesterday’s Advisor, we shared common mistakes supervisors make. Today, more tips and an introduction to a supervisor training system that teaches supervisors how to discipline—and do 49 other tasks. In addition to those presented yesterday, Jonathan Segal, a partner with Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen in Philadelphia, offers two more common mistakes supervisors make, […]