
BusinessWeek’s Bestseller List

BusinessWeek ranks business books that are the most recent bestsellers and provides a short summary. 1. StrengthsFinder 2.0: A New and Upgraded Edition of the Online Test from Gallup’s Now, Discover Your Strengths by Tom Rath. Are you unsure where your true talents lie? Do you feel that you are both a person who gets […]

You’re the CSI: Will Your Investigation Meet a Jury’s Expectations?

If you carry out misconduct investigations, how good should they be? As good as the jury thinks they should be, say today’s experts. And that better be pretty good, because juries expect a lot from HR. Most organizations are not particularly sophisticated in their investigation policies and procedures, say attorneys Michael Soltis and Allison Bogosian, […]

Leaves: Can We Force Employees to Take Vacation During a Twice-Yearly Shutdown?

We’ve been struggling with keeping production up because of employee vacations. So instead of trying to fight vacation schedules, we want to start shutting down for a week in December and again in July and making everyone take vacation during those weeks. Are there any laws about doing this or any problems that you foresee? […]

Strict Safety Requirements for Teen Workers

Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer, is just a few weeks away and many employers have started thinking about adding students to their workforce. Here are some issues to consider as those eager, money-hungry youngsters join your workplace. Safety first The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) […]

Corporate Social Responsibility and HR

by Sarah McAdams When it comes to corporate social responsibility (CSR), HR departments have a particularly crucial role to play. “When you strive to be a more responsible company, you are relying on people to make sure you stay true to your values, and HR’s expertise is people,” explains Marcy Scott Lynn, CSR manager at […]

Did I Stutter?

LITIGATION VALUE: $450,000 (if Stanley ever quits or is fired) It is with great sadness that I announce that I am leaving “That’s What She Said.” I have taken a new job and am leaving the private practice of law. But don’t despair. Our beloved blog will continue. I have passed the torch to my […]

The New ‘Wage Slaves’: Readers Talk Back

By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady A few weeks ago, BLR’s CEO wrote an e-pinion in this space called “BlackBerry® at the Beach,” a reference to expectations that workers be available 24/7/365. He expressed his e-pinion that lower level exempts, ineligible for overtime, are the new “wage slaves.” Guess what? Readers agreed! Here’s Bob’s […]

Exempt Employees: How California Employer Won Overtime Exemption for High-Level IT Employee

Skyriver Communications, Inc., a San Diego wireless broadband Internet service provider, employed Mark Combs as director of network operations and classified him as an exempt administrator. Combs spent about 60 to 70 percent of his workday ensuring that the company’s network was operating properly at all times. Combs eventually resigned, and he slapped Skyriver with […]