
You’re the Expert: Inappropriate Comments

That radio character, Don Imus, who got fired for his inappropriate comments? I think I’ve got a few Imuses in my company. How do I get the “good ol’ boys” to toe the line and stop with their insensitive jokes and actions?

Bulletin: New law expands whistleblower protection for health care workers

Governor Schwarzenegger recently signed A.B. 632, which bars a health care facility from discriminating or retaliating against patients, employees, facility medical staff, or other health care workers for filing a complaint or grievance, or initiating or participating in an investigation into the facility. Employees who are discriminated against in violation of the law will be […]

Is a Counteoffer a Lose-Lose Proposition?

Yesterday’s issue presented best practices for making counteroffers. But a lot of experts think counteroffers won’t solve the retention problem. We’ll see why, and also look at an extraordinary problem-solver that could help avoid the whole issue. As stated in yesterday’s Advisor, best practices for making counteroffers include digging to find out why the employee […]