Author: HR Daily Advisor Staff


America’s Most Needed Occupations and What They Pay

Not every job in America is as lavish as the C-suite. Some jobs force workers to get down and dirty, or even put employees lives at risk. These jobs are the backbone of the United States, and as Mike Rowe—of the hit televisions show Dirty Jobs—would say, “Someone has to do it!” In honor of […]

More Hiring Essentials

In yesterday’s Advisor, we looked at some tips for a strong start to an interview, especially when it comes to introducing the organization to the interviewee. Today we present more tips on interviewing.

Ask the Expert: Piecework Compensation and Overtime

What is the correct way to calculate overtime with a piecework compensation model. For example, an employee worked 46 hours in a week, He made 50 widgets and compensated at $10.00 per widget. Company doesn’t want to pay more than $500 for widget total… How should the pay codes on the paycheck be listed to […]


Tips for Setting and Monitoring Workplace Goals That Create Organizational Success

By Anita Bowness, talent management consultant, Halogen Software Goal-setting is an effective method for aligning and improving performance at the individual and organizational level. And yet, we know that for many, the year begins with setting goals that fail to align efforts as intended. The reason?

HR Leadership in Times of Crisis

By Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson Organizations are headed for more crises. Tumult and disruption in the world are more than likely. Some would say they are unavoidable, inevitable, or even guaranteed. For most Human Resources professionals, this is a fact of life. In our experience, HR deserves credit for being watchful and wired, reassuringly […]

High-Volume Recruiting: A Q&A with Rebecca Barnes-Hogg

When all it takes is a few keystrokes to apply for a job, recruiters often find themselves in a quandary: A “successful” posting has attracted a candidate pool that is vastly larger than what was expected. Dealing with hundreds or thousands of resumes—many of which are from woefully unqualified applicants—is overwhelming. Recruiters, and especially high-volume […]

Basic Interviewing

When it comes to interviewing potential employees, the process can be both exciting and overwhelming for them. For them, interviews are filled with potential and opportunity. For you, there are a number of legal pitfalls. Here are some tips on getting started.

Teambuilding Options for Remote Workers

More and more workplaces are offering some form of flexibility in terms of where an employee works. Some organizations have even developed a 100% “virtual” workforce—having no central offices where employees gather and instead allowing all employees to work from home or wherever they happen to be. Other employers have chosen to allow more flexibility […]