Author: Bridget Miller, Contributing Editor

Don’t Let Them Hit Send Without These Tips

With e-mail as a nearly omnipresent part of our lives today, organizational e-mail etiquette is something that can have a big impact on how an organization is perceived, both internally and externally.

5 Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid

Getting the right person in the right role is a big task. It takes a lot of time and effort to get right, so it pays to not let the entire process be undermined through avoidable mistakes. Here’s a list some common hiring and recruiting mistakes to avoid!

Bring Your Parents to Work and Show Them What They Helped You Achieve

Recently, one of my colleagues suggested that we have a “bring your parents to work” day at the company. It’s a great idea and one that I, frankly, would have never thought of even though it makes perfect sense. Many companies have a “bring your kids to work” day, although many people don’t have kids […]

Are Employees Entitled to Leave During an Emergency or Natural Disaster?

By Holly Jones, JD, Senior Legal Editor When I was in law school, one of my professors (my ethics professor, no less) advised us that the most reliable way to avoid the inevitable onslaught of distant relations, fair-weather friends, and just-met acquaintances asking for free legal advice was to quickly state, “Oh, I practice criminal […]

Pennsylvania: FMLA Settlement Proceeds Not Subject to Federal Tax Withholding

By Gregory J. Wartman A Pennsylvania federal court has ruled that an employer doesn’t have to withhold federal payroll taxes from a settlement payment resolving a discrimination claim under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The court reasoned that because the FMLA settlement proceeds weren’t wages, they weren’t subject to federal withholdings.