Author: Guest Columnist


Skills Are the Future Your Workforce Needs: Why You Should Hire and Train Based on Skills

By Ryan M. Frischmann According to Future of Jobs survey of senior talent and strategy executives from over 370 leading global employers, the most important future workplace strategy is to ‘invest in reskilling current employees.’ Sixty-five percent of the respondents of the survey, conducted by World Economic Forum, will pursue this strategy.

Harassment Cases: High Profile or Not, a Volatile Thicket

By Jeffrey M. Larroca, member of Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Perhaps one of the most powerful men in media, former Fox News Chair Roger Ailes, recently departed the network after a lawsuit was filed that included allegations he made sexual advances towards former FOX News host Gretchen Carlson, called her a “man hater,” […]


What Job Seekers Really Want: 7 Keys to Attracting and Retaining Talent Globally

By Kate Donovan, senior vice president of ManpowerGroup Solutions According to ManpowerGroup’s 2015 Talent Shortage Survey, 38% of employers across the globe are having difficulty filling jobs. In this competitive environment, employers are at a disadvantage and must continuously search for better ways to attract and retain top talent.


Business Readiness—The New Mindset for Thriving in Changing Times

By Kelli Hinshaw, vice president, Strategic Development, Reality-Based Leadership Change management is a topic that’s been studied for over 30 years, and organizations are spending more time and resources than ever to train employees to better endure change. Conventional change management wisdom often promotes ways to “make change easier” for employees so it sticks.  Leaders […]

Gen Z and Millennials Crave In-Person Collaboration

Despite popular belief, 41% of Gen Z say corporate offices are their workplace preference, according to a global study released by Future Workplace, an HR executive network and research firm, and Randstad US, an HR services and staffing company. The “Gen Z & Millennials Collide @ Work” report focuses on the impact of Gen Z […]

5 Words Every Employer Should Say During a Job Interview

To their own detriment, 92% of employers focus on experience and ability when hiring employees. But experience and ability are all but irrelevant in hiring the best employees. In his latest book, The Five A’s of Great Employees, author, speaker, and workplace-cultural advisor Eric Swenson identifies the five most important traits of a truly great […]

This Is the Truth About the Gender Engagement Gap

There’s been a lot of discussion lately around the persistent gender pay gap and what it says about today’s workplace. And while it is necessary to have an open conversation about this issue, there is another significant gap between men and women at work: the employee engagement gap.

Hiring on the Rise for Q4 2016

As a recruiter, it’s important to stay abreast of the latest recruiting trends. To that end, check out the latest ManpowerGroup’s Employment Outlook Survey and see how the recruiting year of 2016 might end.

Drawing the Line on Tips: Where Does It End?

Employee compensation is a complicated issue that can stir passion in people. Recently, the now-former CEO of Wells Fargo was taken to task by Congress for his company’s compensation practices, which many believe contributed to widespread fraud on the part of bank employees.