
Stay up-to-date on the latest episodes from the HR Daily Advisor podcast network.

HR Works COVID-19 Update: Wage and Hour Lawsuits on the Rise

Last time on HR Works COVID-19 Update, we began to explore the many new types of wage and hour lawsuits that might be coming your way in light of the pandemic. This week, we’ll hear from a lawyer that specializes in these types of cases to discuss where she is seeing new lawsuits, what they […]


HR Works: COVID-19 Testing Realities, Limitations, and Plans for Employers

This episode strives to answer one important question: can COVID-19 testing play an effective role in bringing workers back to the workplace? New information and data about the disease are available every day and with it comes changes in best practices for keeping everyone safe. Meanwhile, many employers are bringing workers back to the workplace […]

HR Works COVID-19 Update: When the Pandemic Creates Wage and Hour Violations

Imagine this: your employees have been working with a wage cut for the last few months. But there is good news! Your business has recovered enough for you to restore their pay. Not only that, but you also want to make them whole, so you pay everyone a bonus on top of restoring their pay. […]

HR Works Podcast COVID-19 Update: COVID and Antibody Testing, Masks, and Temperature Checks

Last week, we began to explore employer liability when it comes to COVID-19-related issues. Today, we are going to dive in a little deeper and answer some very important questions, like can you force employees to take a COVID-19 test? What about antibody tests? Can you measure their temperatures? Can you make them wear a […]

HR Works: Supporting Single Mothers of Color

While the pandemic has influenced every worker in the United States, it has not done so evenly. Already there are serious differences between essential workers who stay on the front lines and those who were lucky enough to work from home. In short, the country is in total chaos. Some states are closing down for […]

HR Works COVID-19 Update: Will Due Diligence Help Employers Win COVID-Related Lawsuits?

As the landscape of work changes, so will the landscape of employment law. Across our nation, some states are closing down while others are opening up. That creates a lot of variability in how employers approach keeping everyone safe and the return to work. What are the liabilities? How can they keep up when best […]

HR Works COVID-19 Update: Supporting DACA Recipients More Important Than Ever

The major win for DACA recipients a few weeks ago made the news for how unexpected it was. However, the issue is far from solved. In this episode, we discuss what you need to know about supporting your DACA workers right now before things change. We are pleased to have back with us today, Jonathan […]

HR Works: How HR and EHS Work Together During a Crisis

In this special episode of HR Works Podcast, my colleague Justin Scace from the EHS On Tap Podcast joins me to interview an EHS and an HR professional from one of the largest private companies in the United States: Koch Industries, Incorporated.

HR Works COVID-19 Update: Immigrants in the Pandemic

Between general travel restrictions, anti-immigrant travel restrictions, massive unemployment, closed businesses, and now the recently announced ban on certain foreign national visas, immigrant workers in the U.S. are undergoing particularly challenging times. They are not the only ones feeling the pain; employers of foreign national workers are also struggling. In this episode, we are pleased […]


HR Works: The Return to Work?

In this episode, I speak with a highly respected authority on the psychology of change about the return to work. Many have adjusted to the new realities presented by the coronavirus, and yet states and workplaces alike are reopening their doors. What does that mean for those of us who stayed home? What if we […]