Tag: Attorney Jonathan Segal

Don’t Deny It, Social Media Is Mainstream—and Full of Pitfalls

Don’t try to deny it, social media is mainstream now, says Attorney Jonathan Segal, and its influence is only going to grow. Before too long, the workplace will be 75 percent Millennials, and they use social media with a vengeance. (By the way, Boomers aren’t that far behind, he adds.)   Social Media includes, for […]

Special from Chicago—SHRM Annual Conference and Exhibition – ‘Hey, That Violates My Free Speech Rights!’ (Sorry.)

For companies in the private sector, the employer determines whether there is an expectation of privacy, says Attorney Jonathan Segal, and unwary employers may create the right to privacy if they are not careful. (Government employees generally have a constitutional right to a higher level of privacy than those in the private sector.) Employers can […]

Don’t Lawyer Up Too Quickly

Yesterday’s Advisor featured SHRM’s top-rated speaker, Attorney Jonathan Segal, who offered the first 10 of his “they won’t tell you, but I will” principles. Today, 11 to 15, plus an introduction to the handy wage and hour guide that helps you solve little problems before they become big and expensive ones. Segal, who is a […]

Tough Love: Your Employees Won’t Tell You, But I Will

Attorney Jonathan Segal, SHRM’s top-rated speaker, has been listening to what employees say about HR and compensation, and he’s distilled what he learned into 15 principles all managers should abide by. Segal, who is a partner with law firm Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia, shared what he’s found in engagement surveys, discussions with CEOs and […]