Tag: behavioral interviewing techniques

Three Interview Questions to Avoid

When you’re interviewing a potential employee, the stakes are high. You want to bring the right person onto the right team in the right role, and which questions you ask can have a huge impact on the process. You’ve probably spent time tailoring your list to include thoughtful questions that will really help you identify […]


3 Reasons Why You Need to Focus on Behavior-Based Interview Questions

When interviewing candidates, do you find that the interview tends to get off topic quickly? Are the candidate’s answers not as robust as you expected them to be? Have you considered overhauling your interview process but don’t know where to begin? We have a suggestion: Try asking behavior-based interview questions.

Behavioral Interviewing: Getting the Best Answers from Job Applicants

Tell me about yourself. What are your strengths? How about your weaknesses? Maybe those questions sound familiar. Maybe you hear the same phrases come out of your own mouth every time you conduct a job interview. And maybe you’re missing something. Mastering HR: Hiring Traditional vs. behavioral interviewing techniques If you’re frustrated by the lack […]