Tag: emotional distress

Branch Closing Revisited

“Branch Closing” exemplifies how there is a right way to notify employees that they are losing their jobs and a wrong way.  And, in case you were wondering,  wandering around the office muttering “do your work – while you still can” and “we’ll all be gone soon anyway” is definitely the wrong way.  That being said, […]

“The Coup” Revisited

Litigation Value: $65,000 (but could have been much more) Having Dwight stand on his desk with the word “liar” hanging from his neck is not what I would consider the most effective method of employee discipline. Nor was tricking him into believing that he got Michael fired. But, without more, Michael’s actions may not be […]

The Coup

LITIGATION VALUE: $65,000 Somehow I don’t think that having Dwight stand on his desk with the word “liar” hanging from his neck is exactly what Jan meant when she told Michael to get control of his branch. Nevertheless, while Michael’s reaction was extreme, it will probably not expose the company to significant legal liability. Being […]