Tag: hours


Tell Workers It’s Okay to Recharge Their Batteries

Have you ever received a battery-operated gift only to discover you didn’t have the batteries required to make it work? If so, you understand the initial excitement that came with the gift and the corresponding disappointment of realizing that without the energy source, the gift was completely useless.

Get Moving on Your Employee Volunteer Program

Yesterday we discussed the benefits of a robust employee volunteer program. As stated, companies should think beyond annual holiday drives and develop programs that encourage staff to get into the community on a regular basis during work hours. Benefits are plentiful—to the company, to the employees themselves, and to those these efforts serve.

Now Is a Good Time for an Exemption Audit

Back in 2014, President Obama tasked the Secretary of Labor with updating the overtime regulations as they relate to overtime pay exemptions. The intent was to get the regulation details back in alignment with the original intent of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Overworked or Over the Hill? 3-Day Workweek Might Suit You Better

The HR world is always buzzing about employee engagement and ways to increase productivity, but what if I told you that by shortening your workweek, you could actually be increasing engagement and productivity? Sounds like I’m off my rocker, but a recent study is proving this might be the case.

Don’t Lose Sight of What’s Really Important

Sometimes we lose sight of what’s really important in life. We get wrapped up in our work and let everything else suffer. As we allow our work to take over our life, it might be our workout routine that gets forgotten or a hobby that fades away. And if you can handle the extra 10 […]

Would You Like Fries with That?

President Obama’s term is coming to an end, and with that, it’s time for his children to go to college, enter the workforce, and make something of themselves. The New York Times is reporting that daughter Malia will be attending Harvard in the fall of 2017, as she plans to take a much deserved “gap […]

Making Absenteeism Absent from Your Organization

Employers naturally want to have a workforce they can count on, but excessive absenteeism—especially without merit—can be a big detriment to productivity. Business Consultant Bridget Miller has some ideas for keeping your employees in their seats.