Tag: HR

Gauge Your Midyear Progress with These 5 Questions

Believe it or not, as I write this, the first half of 2015 has come to an end. That’s right, the year is half over, and it’s a good time to mark your progress. Are you well on your way to achieving the goals—both personal and professional—you set for yourself this year?

Divorcing Employee? Former Spouse May Elect to Continue Group Coverage

Yesterday, attorney Kathryn Grigg of Axley Brynelson, LLP, explained employers’ obligations to offer health insurance continuation and conversion benefits to an employee’s former spouse and dependents following a divorce. Today, she’ll discuss how the election to continue coverage works—and the circumstances under which that coverage may be terminated early.

Benefits: Does Divorcing a Spouse Mean Divorcing Your Company?

Trying to find market data for some jobs may seem a little like searching for a needle in a haystack—tedious, time-consuming, and marginally successful. Often, the problem isn’t that no data are available but in how we’re look for them, says BLR’s Senior Compensation Editor Sharon McKnight, CCP, SPHR.

Recruiting: Boards, Blogs, ROI, and Metrics

In yesterday’s Advisor, expert Chris Peterson offered tips on making your online presence for candidates more attractive. Today, more of his tips on posting, blogging, and recruiting metrics.