Tag: Johnsonville Sausage

Are You Green and Growing or Ripe and Rotting? Skills of Followership

In yesterday’s Advisor, expert Cory Bouck defined the concept of “followership” and the roles of a follower in a dodgeball world. Today he shares the best career management advice he’s ever received—and more skills necessary in followership.

Followership Is the New Leadership

In an interactive breakout session at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Annual Conference and Exposition held recently in Las Vegas, training and leadership expert Cory Bouck used a modern playground analogy—business is dodgeball, not yoga. The yoga kids will end up working for the dodgeball kids. How can you train to succeed in […]

Followership—It’s the Key to Leadership

Speaking at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Annual Conference and Exposition held recently in Las Vegas, training and leadership expert Cory Bouck analogized a modern playground to the business world—business isn’t yoga, it’s dodgeball. The yoga kids will end up working for the dodgeball kids. So how can you succeed in a dodgeball […]