Tag: Learning and Development

Tips to Help HR Professionals Tackle Their Development Goals

Maybe you’ve just started working at a new job and already have your sights set on a promotion in the future, or perhaps you’re feeling unfulfilled in your current industry and are curious about changing fields. No matter your career objectives, you need to set clear goals in order to get to where you want […]

The Growing Importance of People Development as Part of the Employer Value Proposition

There was a time when employers’ primary value proposition to potential employees was financial compensation: A good hourly wage, a strong salary, and/or a lucrative bonus structure was often all the motivation many workers needed to apply for a job. But, as the importance (and expense) of other lifestyle needs has grown, benefits like health, […]

Companies Continue Increasing L&D Spending

With wage pressures pushing employee compensation demands higher and inflation and supply chain issues further straining employer finances, one might expect that budgets for learning and development would shrink or even be put on hold while the storms pass.

How HR Professionals Can Help Employees Adapt to Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is, well, transformative. In many ways, this can be a deeply positive thing for companies, employees, and consumers alike. However, no matter how beneficial, change is not always easy. This is especially true for your employees, who are likely to feel pretty comfortable with the status quo, have habituated themselves to their job […]

The Growing Status of Corporate Learning and Development

When it comes to respect as a legitimate corporate priority, learning and development (L&D) have come a long way over the last several decades. Readers who may be old enough to remember the days of painfully corny training videos can likely also attest to the progress training materials and efforts have made over the years. […]


The Great Resignation as an Opportunity for Staff to Shine

The Great Resignation has created historic labor market headaches for companies across a broad spectrum of industries and organizations. Although a historic worker shortage is a challenge for employers, it’s always possible to find silver linings in even the most daunting of circumstances. For labor-strapped employers, one of those silver linings is the ability to […]


Employers Can Learn Lessons from New-Style Union Organizing Efforts

Labor organizing efforts have changed in recent years, and management would be wise to learn lessons from those developments, according to attorneys who advise employers on union matters. In addition to new organizing strategies, change is sparked by a union-friendly climate in the nation’s capital, at both the White House and the National Labor Relations […]


‘To-Do List Bankruptcy’

A to-do list can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, a to-do list helps people get and stay organized and avoid neglecting important tasks. Additionally, being able to cross an item off your to-do list can be quite fulfilling. On the other hand, a to-do list can be a significant source […]

Building a Diverse and Satisfied Workforce with Human Experience Management

The number of Americans resigning from their jobs hit a record high in January at 4.5 million, triggering seismic shocks through the world of HR. Whether employees cited the reasoning as poor work/life balance, a lack of career advancement opportunities, or feeling unfulfilled by their work, these recent trends prove that today’s workforce demands more […]

The Great Resignation and the Importance of a Compliance-Centric Culture

We’ve all heard of the Great Depression. For employers, the ongoing Great Resignation often feels like pretty much the same thing. With more folks broadening their horizons and handing in their notice than ever, higher-ups often think to themselves, “What am I doing wrong? How can I keep them happy?” The key is support—and not […]