Tag: managers


What Is a Real-Time Review?

Performance reviews get their share of bad press. There are lots of reasons that more and more organizations are transitioning away from the traditional model of annual performance reviews.

Unemployment Near Record Lows: Who Can You Hire?

With unemployment hovering near record lows, employers are finding it tough to fill some positions. They’re starting to change tactics, often looking at previously ignored groups of jobseekers or changing how they attract applicants altogether. Let’s take a look.


How to Improve Managers’ Lives

Are your managers happy? Are they satisfied with their jobs? How can the HR team (or the greater organization) impact their satisfaction levels and make the job less frustrating?

How Can HR Head Off the Opioid Crisis?

Yesterday we heard from Ian Cook, Head of Workforce Solutions at Visier Analytics, about handling the opioid solution in the workplace. Today we’ll look at some of his suggestions including fact based conversations and planning ahead.

What to Include in Your Employee Engagement Checklist

Kevin Sheridan recently spoke as the Day 1 opening keynote for the 2018 HR Daily Advisor Annual Conference. In the keynote session, Sheridan focused on how to attract talented employees to the workplace, empower them, and sustain an environment in which they are more likely to stay.  Here, Sheridan provides a brief recap of the […]


Get the Most of Your Workforce by Modernizing Time Management

A 1,000-person business has a total of 2 million employee hours to use or waste. Companies tend to meticulously manage and optimize money, resources, and materials, but fail to similarly optimize and manage their time. To get the most out of their workforce, businesses need to find ways to optimize the processes surrounding their most […]


4 Tips for Better Diverse Team Communication

A very good friend of mine, who is of Polish decent, was reading an article in Polish next to me and pointed to a name referenced repeatedly, that being Michał Anioł. She looked up at me peering over her shoulder and said, “You know this guy.”


3 Qualities of Effective Leadership in the Modern Workplace

The concepts and values of leadership have evolved over the years. While the ideas of “Be loyal to your employer and do what you are told,” “Get people to follow you,” or “Climb your way to the top” used to be the standard mode of operation, times have changed. The workforce today is not interested […]

Getting Back to Basics with Stay Interviews

As an HR professional, you have probably had your fair share of exit interviews. While they are designed to get valuable input from employees that are transitioning out of the company, the results can often be skewed. Employees are either afraid of future backlash and are overly positive, or have an ax to grind and […]

The Everchanging World of Performance Management

The days of formal in person meetings between managers and employees discussing performance management are largely over. With the introduction of new technologies, global competition, and changing consumer demands, that process no longer seems to ensure high employee performance.