Tag: Medicare

CMS Releases Healthcare Spending Projections from 2015-2025

By Jennifer Carsen, JD, Senior Legal Editor Total healthcare spending growth is expected to average 5.8% annually over 2015-2025, according to a report published on July 13 by Health Affairs and written by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of the Actuary (OACT). Projected national health spending growth remains lower than the […]

Expanded Worker Classification Relief Program Available Until June 30

Is your company considering reclassifying certain workers from now on, but hesitant because it is worried about triggering a federal employment tax audit or having not consistently filed Forms 1099 for those workers in the past? If you answered “yes,” then the IRS’ Temporary Expanded Voluntary Classification Settlement Program may interest you, but you must […]

New law streamlines MSP settlement process with on-line information (starting 2014)

Currently, Medicare beneficiaries who have pending claims with third parties responsible for their injuries face settlement delays. The parties cannot determine how much of the settlement is to be used to reimburse Medicare, because Medicare has not been prompt in providing information on the amounts of the benefits it claims to have paid. The result […]

Do Your Benefit Plans Violate the ADEA?

by Stephen Stine We aren’t getting any younger, and neither are your employees. As a result, employers are increasingly having to confront age-related issues that may lead to legal liability. These issues arise not only in the context of hiring and firing decisions but also in the design of benefit plans. To ensure your benefit […]