Tag: negotiation

Understanding BATNA

Although many employees think only lawyers and salespeople are involved in negotiations, the reality is that these types of negotiations take place in the office all the time between departments, with customers and business partners, and between bosses and subordinates.

More Ways to Increase Offer Acceptance

In yesterday’s Advisor, we talked about how frustrating it is to get all the way through the recruiting process and finally find a good candidate, only to have the job offer be rejected. We outlined a few options for improving offer acceptance rates, and today we’re continuing with that list.

Strangers at the table: Employers may need to accept observers in collective bargaining

by David McDonald In Canada, collective agreements are generally accessible to the public. Canadian jurisdictions provide mechanisms to file collective agreements with government authorities, and it is not uncommon for the union or the employer to post their agreement on the web. However, the process of bargaining itself is private and typically carefully guarded by […]

Lessons learned from NHL lockout

By Brian P. Smeenk Canadians love hockey like Americans love football or baseball. Maybe more. So the lockout of the players by the league’s owners has left a lot of Canadian hockey fans in withdrawal. It’s also led to much more reporting about labor negotiations than we would normally see in the media.