Tag: OK

Listening to Music at Work Won’t Get You in Treble

Most retail workers know that listening to music on the job is a requirement, and for those who work at Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister, they are slightly deaf because of it! But what about most other jobs? Is it OK to listen to music then? According to a study, listening to music on the […]

Do You Know These 5 Tips for Training Supervisors on How to Administer FMLA?

How do you deal with the supervisor who appears to be on a “personal crusade” to “eradicate all Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) abuse”? What about the supervisor who likes to pretend he doesn’t know that FMLA leave exists? Read on to find out. Training and Communication Are Key The FMLA can be complicated—and […]

Do You Train New Leaders to Avoid These 7 Enemies of Success?

Egbers, president of Leadership Excelleration, Inc., (LEI Consulting) (www.lei-consulting.com), says HR needs to be proactive about assimilating promoted leaders into their new roles. “It’s often what leaders don’t know that can harm them.”In The Ascending Leader: Conquer the Seven Enemies of Success—A Strategic Guide for the Newly Promoted, Egbers and coauthor Karen Schenck outline seven […]

The 4 Leadership Lessons I Learned from ‘Dead Poets Society’

Keating encourages the boys to embrace their individualism, think independently, and pursue their passions. This leads them on a path of self-discovery that clashes with the rigid culture of the conservative institution they attend. Keating’s methods ultimately cost him his job, but they win him the respect and affection of his students. In watching the […]

But, Jerk, Lazy, I Don’t Have Time, and OK Are Not OK

Go here for numbers 1 to 6 of Price’s phrases to avoid. Price (www.wellsaid.com) is the author of the book Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results. 7. AVOID: “… don’t you think?” and “… isn’t it?” and “… OK?” To convey a confident, commanding presence, eliminate validation questions. Make your statement or recommendation […]

10 Phrases That Undermine Your Success

To successfully communicate, says Price (www.wellsaid.com), you have to learn to present yourself and your message effectively. You’ve got to know your audience members and tailor your content to meet their needs. And you’ve got to be sincere, natural, enthusiastic and passionate, maintain good eye contact, and be calm and polite. AND you need to […]

10 Phrases that Should Be Banned from the Workplace Forever

Are there specific words and phrases that career-minded managers should avoid at all costs? Yes indeed! says Darlene Price, author of the book Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results. She offers 10 phrases that you should never utter. To successfully communicate, says Price (www.wellsaid.com), you have to learn to present yourself and your […]

I Need to UNdesignate Some FMLA Leave; Is That OK?

What can you do if you discover that you’ve mistakenly designated leave as FMLA-qualifying? Several cases help point the way to the policy you should follow. Employer’s Promise (Designation) Must Be Kept Some courts have held that employees are entitled to FMLA protections based on representations made by the employer, even if the employer’s representation […]