Tag: performance appraisal


How to Maximize the Impact of Performance Appraisals

Many companies struggle with performance reviews. Modern performance appraisal methods typically consist of scheduled interviews, compensation discussions, and self-evaluation. When necessary, reviewers also offer ways for underperforming employees to improve.


Unconscious Factors Impacting Your Performance Appraisals and How to Stop Them

Objectivity is the most important part of having an effective performance appraisal system. What you want is a system in which your top performers are recognized and then given opportunities to advance their skills. Meanwhile, rather than being discouraged, low performers should come out with the advice and motivation they need to improve their performance. […]

Giving Accurate Performance Evaluations

Seasons greetings! It’s that time of year again. No, we aren’t talking about shopping ’til you drop, New Year’s resolutions, or holiday parties (at least not in this article). It’s time to start thinking about employee performance evaluations. Evaluate your employment practices, including performance evaluations, with the Employment Practices Self-Audit Workbook A gift that keeps […]