Tag: PTO


The Pros and Cons of Unlimited PTO

Salary, bonuses, and other compensation-based incentives will always be important for the workforce. But increasingly, work/life balance is a key factor for workers considering their employment options, as well. Over half of employees wish their companies offered more flexible work options.


BuzzFeed Responds to PTO Backlash from Laid-Off Employees

In a tight labor market, we see many examples of companies going the extra mile to entice new employees to join their ranks and to keep their existing employees happy. But what about former employees? It turns out some companies are finding out the hard way they need to keep them happy as well.

How to Retain Young Talent in a Job-Hopping Culture

There used to be an unspoken social contract between employers and employees. If the latter worked hard and stayed committed, the workplace would provide pay, job security, and even pensions. But that model supported a different time—one when the job supported basic goals, such as getting married, starting a family, and owning a home.


What to Expect of Employees Before They Take PTO

All employees need to take a day off here and there or maybe go on a vacation for a week or two. It’s typically a basic part of the compensation package, at least for salaried employees. But taking time off is generally not as simple as letting your manager know you won’t be in tomorrow […]