Tag: recruitment


Preemployment Training as a Retention Tool

The idea of training employees before you hire them might seem a bit nonsensical at first. For one, there is seemingly no need to train people who aren’t actually going to work for you. Theoretically, they could even end up taking a job with a competitor. But some argue that pretraining may be a valuable […]


A Diverse Board Starts with Diverse Recruiting Practices

Forbes magazine publisher Malcom Forbes once called diversity “the art of thinking independently together.” When it comes to having a diverse board of directors, Forbes’ words have never been truer. Boards thrive on diverse thinking, but this thinking only comes with diverse members. So how can you improve the diversity of your board? Here’s a […]


The New Rules for Successful Global Teams

In recent weeks, many organizations have made radical changes to the way they operate, implementing new ideas and processes with amazing speed and success. Long-standing approaches to how teams work have been modified to keep the commercial wheels turning.


This Time, It’s Different—Here’s How to Recruit Top Talent in a Remote-First World

These are exceptional times. According to a  Gartner online poll of Asian HR leaders in March 2020, “among 805 organizations responding, 88% now encourage or require employees to work from home.” As COVID-19 continues its onslaught around the world, governments have turned to measures such as social distancing to disrupt the contagion. Doing so has […]


Virtual Recruitment Is Here—Are You Prepared?

Raise your hands if you’re working from home! We’re going to assume most of you raised your hands. Now, raise your hands if you were prepared to implement an entirely virtual recruiting process at your company or organization in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?


Expanding Internationally? A 5-Step Process to Ensure Success

Businesses expand internationally for a range of reasons, from building revenue and launching new partnerships to increasing their talent pool. One of the best ways to beat the competition is to stop looking in the same markets for the same candidates. Instead, find new geographic areas where you can identify emerging and untapped talent to […]


The Aging American Workforce

Throughout human history, age patterns have followed a predicable trend: Parents would give birth to large numbers of children, not all of whom would reach adulthood; and as a generation moved from childhood to adolescence and through adulthood, more and more would succumb to death from illness, accidents, or conflict. The result was a pyramid-shaped […]