Tag: Standards Act

Exempt Vs. Non-Exempt: What are the Rules? (Q&A Part 1 of 2)

Classifying some employees as exempt from overtime means employers have to be careful—they must meet all of the initial exemption requirements, and also not take any actions that could jeopardize that exempt status (such as making improper pay deductions for exempt employees). This challenge raises many questions for employers, such as how to handle situations […]

Job Sharing—The Advantages and Disadvantages

Job sharing is a special type of part-time employment in which two or more employees share the duties of a single, full-time position. Job sharers may each work part of a day or work alternate days or weeks. Here’s how it may benefit the employer: Improve recruiting by attracting qualified employees who don’t want to […]

Employee Pay Deductions: What Can (and Can’t) Be Deducted?

Pay Deductions: What Can and Can’t be Deducted? Q. Is it possible to deduct expenses from an employee for drug screens and physicals if they leave within the 90-day probationary period? A.That is something that is a function of state law, generally. Most state laws say that if an employer is going to require a […]

Don’t Lawyer Up Too Quickly

Yesterday’s Advisor featured SHRM’s top-rated speaker, Attorney Jonathan Segal, who offered the first 10 of his “they won’t tell you, but I will” principles. Today, 11 to 15, plus an introduction to the handy wage and hour guide that helps you solve little problems before they become big and expensive ones. Segal, who is a […]

Tough Love: Your Employees Won’t Tell You, But I Will

Attorney Jonathan Segal, SHRM’s top-rated speaker, has been listening to what employees say about HR and compensation, and he’s distilled what he learned into 15 principles all managers should abide by. Segal, who is a partner with law firm Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia, shared what he’s found in engagement surveys, discussions with CEOs and […]

Here Comes EEOC 2013—Charges, Investigations, and Claims

Review of Charge Activity, Backlog, and Benefits Provided On November 19, 2012, the EEOC announced the publication of the FY 2012 Performance and Accountability Report. During FY 2012, the Commission again received nearly 100,000 charges, with the past 3 years involving a record number of charges in the Commission’s 47-year history. Since FY 2006, there […]

18 Questions for Comp Managers in 2013

Here are the questions Neelman asks clients to help them complete their planning for 2013. Neelman is a principal and senior consultant with Compensation Resources, Inc. in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Who are your best employees? Which employees truly impact your success? What employees can you least afford to lose? What are your strategies […]

Wage/Hour Litigation Bringing Down the Bottom Line?

[Go here for yesterday’s survey results] What is the amount of annual litigation expense (by company size) in the US? The trend of increased litigation expenditure has resumed. Last year marked the first drop in the percentage of companies spending $1000000 or more on litigation since 2007. This year, the increase resumed with just over […]

FLSA Hot Topics—2013 and Beyond

Panelists included Susan Webman, Of Counsel with FortneyScott in Washington, DC., John Husband, senior partner with Holland & Hart in the firm’s Denver, Colorado office, Linda Walton, attorney with Perkins Coie LLP in Seattle, and panel moderator Charles Plumb, partner with McAfee & Taft in the firm’s Tulsa, Oklahoma office. Hot Topic: Fallout of Christopher […]