Tag: Subject Line

Training Exercises for Developing Servant Leaders–or Any Leaders

Servant leaders focus primarily on the growth and well-being of the employees they manage, as well as the communities to which they belong.1 They place emphasis on serving others and contributing to the overall success of groups. Here are some training exercises you can use to develop servant leaders in your organization:

A Brief Guide: Video Games and Learning and Development in the Workplace (Part 2)

[Part 1 of this article appeared in yesterday’s Advisor.] Elements Workplace Video Games Should Have (continued) Challenging levels that require work—Don’t simply have your learners follow an avatar around, but have them complete tasks that require them to think and use their reasoning skills via their avatar. Place them in unexpected situations that require them […]

Cross-Training Methods and Metrics for Your Organization (Part 1)

If you’re interested in cross-training your employees in 2018, keep reading to uncover what you need to know—including various methods to consider and metrics you’ll want to pay attention to as you develop your programs. What is Cross-Training? According to Inc.’s encyclopedia entry, cross-training, “involves teaching an employee who was hired to perform one job […]

E-Learning FAQs: Answers May Surprise You (Part 1)

E-Learning (electronic learning) has been around for decades. It entails the use of technology to deliver, manage, and evaluate learning content and instruction. But how much do you really know about it? Even if you’re currently using e-learning methods and platforms, there are probably at least one or two nagging questions you have about it […]

Best Practices for Employee Learning Retention (Part 2)

[Part 1 of this article appeared in yesterday’s edition.] Get Learners to Be Active According to The Learning Pyramid shaped by research conducted by the National Training Lab, participatory teaching methods ensure high learning retention rates. So, if you want your learners to truly retain what you’re teaching them, have them participate in their own […]


How to Implement an Effective Learning Culture for Your Company (Part 1)

While a lot of executives may tout the importance of learning and development programs, very few encourage sincere learning cultures to exist inside and across their organizations. In fact, according to studies highlighted by the Society for Human Resource Management, only one in ten companies has a true learning culture. Each year, hundreds of billions […]

Best Practices for Increasing Learning Retention (Part 1)

According to longstanding scientific research by German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus, employees will forget up to 50% of what they learned within an hour if they don’t revisit the material they were covering. They’ll forget 70% of what they learned within a day. And they’ll forget 90% of the material they covered within a month!1 This […]

Good Training Is Great, But Bad Training Can Be Devastating

Effective training can have significant, positive impacts on a company’s bottom line, and we encourage all organizations to implement training programs for their employees. However, it is not the case that some training is always better than no training. In fact, poor training can be extremely counterproductive. Here are just a few of the potential […]