Tag: workers


3 Back-End Metrics to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Contingent Workforce Program

Fill and bill rates are two examples of surface-level metrics that usually get looked at to signify a successful vendor-manager union. But when looking at a contingent workforce program, it’s necessary to dig a little deeper. Back-end metrics can help provide that perspective.


Hot Jobs in 2020 Take on a New Form Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has shaken up a lot of things over the last few months, including the job market. We went from record-low unemployment to record-high unemployment in a matter of weeks, and the demand for workers has shifted to areas that are being directly impacted by COVID-19.

What’s the Over-Under on That Candidate’s Qualifications?

The term “over-under” is often used in the gambling world. An over-under bet is a wager in which a sportsbook will predict a number for a statistic in a given game (usually the combined score of the two teams), and individuals will wager that the actual number in the game will be either higher or […]


3 Benefits You’ll Need to Offer Post-Pandemic

Have you reevaluated your employee benefits package since social distancing was implemented? It’s likely that your pre-pandemic perks, plans, and promises won’t hold up after COVID-19 passes. You’ll need new, creative benefits to retain talented employees and snag new superstars.


When Dealing With Sick Leave, It’s a Whole New World

The COVID-19 pandemic has had two key impacts on the American workplace: First, there is a very real risk of employees getting sick and spreading an infectious, debilitating, and potentially deadly disease to their coworkers. Second, huge numbers of Americans are now working remotely.