Category: HR Videos

This topic contains video content related to human resources.

‘On-Call’ and ‘Call-In’ Work Schedules: Advantages and Disadvantages for Employers (Video)

What are the benefits for employers for instituting variable work schedules for their employees such as call-in shifts and on-call status?  How do these schedules work?  Who uses them?  And why have some major employers recently abandoned such practices? Speaking to an audience of HR professionals and employers at BLR’s Advanced Employment Law Symposium (AEIS), […]

Video: How to Avoid the Dangerous Practice of ‘Make Up’ FMLA Leave

As an employment law attorney who specializes in FMLA, Stacie Caraway of Miller & Martin PLLC has heard from many well-meaning employers who want to help out their employees (who may claim, for example, that taking FMLA creates a financial hardship) by allowing them to ‘make up’  time they take for FMLA leave.  The one […]

Video: FMLA Eligibility Mistakes Can Be a Landmine for Employers

As HR professionals know, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave is one of the most confusing and complex areas of employment law.  There are many aspects of leave management that can be legal landmines for employers who don’t administer leave or communicate their policies effectively. Speaking to an audience of employers and HR […]

Video: Business Readiness Tools to Prepare Your Team for ‘What’s Next’

How can you get your workforce onboard with changes in the workplace that they need to embrace in order to maximize their potential and productivity?  How do you bypass the “ego”—the part in all of us that rears its head when confronted with change by resisting and saying things like “this will never work”? Speaking […]