HR Works

The mission of HR Works is to provide clear, relevant, actionable information on topics that matter to HR professionals through engaging and insightful interviews with experts and thought leaders.

HR Works Podcast: All In! Transform Your Workforce with Coaching Culture

Guest: Whitney Walker, Director of People Operations at Rhymetec What are the signs of a healthy coaching culture? What role can HR teams play in keeping their organization’s approach to coaching fresh, innovative, and engaging? In this latest episode of the HR Works Podcast, Whitney Walker, Director of People Operations at Rhymetec, helps us take […]

HR Works Podcast: Is a ‘September Surge’ Happening in 2023?

Guest: Jâlie Cohen, Group SVP and Head of Global Talent at The Adecco Group Is the ‘September Surge’ actually happening in 2023 or is it just optimistic buzz? And who is currently driving the talent marketplace – Existing employees, prospective talent, or the employers? In this latest episode of the HR Works Podcast, we check […]

HR Works Podcast: 5 Generations, 1 Goal – Keep Your Multigenerational Workforce Motivated

Guest: Lisa Ryan, Founder and Chief Appreciation Strategist of Grategy With five generations of workers currently coexisting in the modern workforce, is each generations looking for the same thing out of their workplace experience in 2023? What factors are keeping these unique generational groups ‘locked-in’, engaged, and motivated? In this week’s episode of the HR […]

HR Works Podcast: What Does Workplace Flexibility Mean in 2023?

Guest: Kathy Cullen-Cote, Chief People Officer at Teradata What does it mean to have a fully flexible work environment in 2023? What elements of the employee experience need to be factored into making a decision on the balance between in-office and remote work? In this latest episode of the HR Works Podcast, Kathy Cullen-Cote, Teradata‘s Chief […]

HR Works Podcast: Busting Remote Workforce Myths

Guest: Kelly Scheib, Chief People Officer at Crunchbase Can company culture still be built and clearly defined with a fully remote workforce? Are employees less productive when they are not in a shared office space together? In this latest episode of the HR Works Podcast, we are joined by Kelly Scheib, Chief People Officer at Crunchbase, to […]

HR Works Podcast: Get Your Workforce PWFA-Ready! (Part 2) – Reasonable Accommodation

Guest: Paige Hoster Good, Attorney and Shareholder with McAfee & Taft What constitute as “reasonable accommodations” under the newly proposed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) regulations? What steps are employers required to take when a qualified employee requests accommodation for a “known limitation” due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition? Our coverage around the […]

HR Works Podcast: Leadership Communication is ‘Not One Size Fits All’

Guest: Neil Bryant, Vice President of Coaching and Leadership at Bluepoint Are all business leaders great communicators? Why is it important for organizations to focus on developing flexible communication skills are part of their leadership development initiatives? Listen as we examine the multiple lenses of leadership communication and the need for adaptive, unique methods to […]

HR Works Podcast: Your Employment Brand Matters!

Guest: Ken Schmitt, CEO and Founder of TurningPoint Executive Search What factors define an employment brand? More importantly, do organizations have a true understanding of how their employment brand measures up in this highly-competitive hiring market? In this latest episode of the HR Works Podcast, recruiting expert, author, podcast host and CEO and Founder of […]

HR Works Podcast: Struggling with Workplace Culture? It May Be Time for a ‘Meeting Apocalypse’

Guest: Dr. Jessica Kriegel, Chief Scientist of Workplace Culture for Culture Partners Are we reaching a virtual meeting overload?  In this post-pandemic, modern workplace, the use of virtual meetings and communication tools have become as second-nature to the workplace as desks, chairs, conference rooms, and break rooms (Some of you still remember when those were […]

HR Works Podcast: Parents Are Returning to Work…How Can We Help Them Stay?

Guest: Sadie Funk and Sara Redington from The Best Place for Working Parents What family-friendly policies matter most to working parents in 2023? As recent workforce studies have shown parents making a return to the workplace, with participation totals for parents with children under 18 now climbing back to pre-pandemic levels, how can companies build […]