Tag: Change


How to Offer Child Care as a Workplace Perk

According to research, 85% of parents say they wish their employer offered childcare benefits; almost two-thirds of parents—and 83% of Millennials—say they’d leave one job for another if it offered better family-care benefits; and two-thirds of parents said childcare costs have influenced their overall career decisions.


More Workplace Culture Predictions for 2030

In a previous post, we looked at a few workplace culture predictions you should be prepared for by the time 2030 rolls around.


Workplace Culture Predictions for 2030

At the start of a new year, it’s common to make predictions about trends for the coming months. Predictions are based on emerging trends, sociopolitical and market factors, etc. Given that a new year isn’t usually that different from the previous year, these are often safe predictions.


Legal Cannabis Spurs Demand for Certain Skill Sets

Just a few years ago, it would have been almost unheard of for someone to list the ability to grow, identify, or recommend different strains of cannabis as a job qualification, but the times are a changin’!


6 Types of Assessments Your Employees Need

Did you know that 53% of employers admit that they don’t actively track improved employee performance, even though 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback on their performance at least once a week? And companies that implement regular employee feedback have turnover rates that are 14.9% lower than companies that don’t implement regular feedback.