Tag: Change


How to Accommodate Transitioning and Transgender Employees

In 2017, the state of California enacted the Transgender Work Opportunity Act, which became effective in January 2018. The legislation requires mandatory workplace postings and enhanced training programs geared toward helping transgender and gender nonconforming workers overcome high unemployment rates, helping prevent discrimination in the workplace, and increasing inclusiveness in the workplace.


Why Employees Leave in the First 90 Days

Finding the right employee can be extremely difficult, particularly in an economy with a historically low unemployment rate, when potential employees can often pick and choose between a number of labor-starved employers. Not only is it difficult—it’s expensive.


Best Companies for Employee Development

Salary and benefits are often what come top of mind when thinking about what employees value most in a job. That’s certainly not surprising. The ability to make a living is important to us all. And, in fact, according to an article by Forbes, salary and benefits do top the list for most employees.


Basics of Prioritization at Work

It’s a familiar feeling to most: being overwhelmed at work. There are competing obligations coming from multiple sources within the company, and everything seems urgent.


6 Tips for Effectively Writing Up an Employee

No one likes to discipline an employee who was hired with high hopes of becoming a top performer for an organization. But whether you’re an HR professional, manager, or supervisor, sometimes writing up employees comes with the territory.


Step-by-Step: 3 Ways to Train for Emotional Intelligence

According to research conducted by Gallup, emotionally intelligent employees and leaders are much more engaged and are less likely to leave an organization. They also have higher customer ratings, prompt more profitability for an organization, have higher rates of productivity, report fewer theft and safety incidents, and have lower rates of absenteeism.


Is It Easier to Influence Company Culture in a Large or Small Organization?

Company culture (also referred to as “corporate culture”) is important for any business, but it can be a bit of a vague concept. As defined by Investopedia, “Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company’s employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate culture is implied, not expressly defined, and […]