Tag: HR Comply

Opioid Crisis: What Is Needed Most from HR?

When it comes to dealing with opioid addiction in the workplace, it’s not always immediately clear what’s needed most from HR: Is it compassion? A dose of tough love? A strategic focus on the hard facts?

The Opioid Crisis and the Workplace

The National Safety Council (NSC) has begun its nationwide road tour through areas of the United States that have been heavily hit by the opioid crisis. As part of that campaign, they have taken ownership of the Celebrating Lost Loved Ones map. Since the opioid crisis has taken its toll on businesses as well, from […]

Opioid Crisis: 5 Tips to Address Addiction in the Workplace

Like abuse of alcohol or illicit drugs, the nation’s growing opioid epidemic is presenting workplace challenges. The current opioid epidemic has been called the worst drug crisis in American history, reaching every corner of society, including workplaces both large and small. This epidemic involves the use of prescription opioid (pain) medications and illicit drugs, including […]


Special from AEIS: Harassment Complaints—Biggest and Costliest HR Mistakes

There’s no shortage of reminders these days that harassment is still a major issue for employers. And it’s particularly challenging, as we’ve seen all too often lately in the news, when an executive is a harasser or a company culture implicitly condones or perpetuates sexual harassment or a hostile work environment. So, what can HR […]

3 Steps to Protect Information While Leveraging Social Media

The number of companies maintaining a corporate presence on social media rose from 34% in 2008 to 77% in 2013 according to SHRM Survey Findings: Social Networking Website and Recruiting/Selection. According to the survey, social media is primarily used to attract passive job candidates, but, according to Brian R. Garrison, Esq.—partner with the law firm […]


Take this off your fall ‘to do’ list: EEO-1 delayed in part and suspended in part

by Brian Bouchard As you may have heard, we recently received some good news regarding the EEO-1 pay data collection that would have gone into effect in March 2018.  On August 29, acting chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Victoria Lipnic issued a statement indicating that the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs […]

Labor looks for love

by Richard I. Lehr —“I was lookin’ for love in all the wrong places, lookin’ for love in too many faces, searchin’ their eyes and lookin’ for traces of what I’m dreamin’ of.” The song “Looking for Love,” written by Wanda Mallette, aptly describes the circumstances of organized labor. Despite labor’s political expenditures and substantial […]