Tag: Social Media

Help Your Team Cross the Finish Line Strong—4 Steps to Success

Do your team members know what the ultimate objective is for each project they work on? Do they know what the purpose is—what they’re trying to achieve? Are you confident that you consistently communicate exactly what the goal is for each and every project? Knowing what you, their leader, want to ultimately achieve on every […]

Virginia online privacy law takes effect July 1

by Sara Sakagami Virginia’s new law placing restrictions on the circumstances in which employers may access their employees’ social media accounts takes effect July 1. Virginia Code § 40.1-28.7:5 prohibits employers from requiring current or prospective employees to either (1) disclose login information for a personal social media account or (2) add an employee, supervisor, […]

The Candidate Experience Matters! 6 Facts for Every Employer

The candidate experience (even for those applicants you don’t hire) can say a lot about your company. Employers that keep candidates in the dark as to where they are in the application process (or simply neglect to acknowledge their application) are unwittingly leaving a bad impression—and it can take a toll on the business and […]

Social Media Screening: Prevalence and Practice

In yesterday’s Advisor, Jason Morris, president of EmployeeScreenIQ of Cleveland, Ohio, shared his earned and not-so-earned (diploma mill) degrees. Today, his tips for social media screening. Does your organization conduct online media searches as a means of screening candidates in the hiring process? According to EmployeeScreenIQ’s Survey, about 63% of organizations do not; about 30% […]

Dashboard Templates for Talent Management

In yesterday’s Advisor, Jayson Saba offered tips for dashboards and scorecards for HR, including the first of his recommended templates. Today, we present the rest of the templates. Saba, vice president of Market Strategy, Ceridian HCM, delivered his suggestions at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Talent Management Conference, held recently in San Diego. […]

Talent Management Dashboard and Scorecards: Templates to Get You Started

There’s great interest in scorecards and dashboards, but how do you get started? Jayson Saba, Vice President of Market Strategy, Ceridian HCM, offered his tips at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Talent Management Conference, held recently in San Diego. What’s the Difference Between a Scorecard and a Dashboard? A scorecard, says Saba, is […]

HR Daily Advisor’s Employment Branding Survey—Last Chance to Participate!

Amazon.com Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos put it best: “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Studies show that the best candidates want to work for a company they trust and believe in—but not much has been said about what organizations are actually doing in the real world […]